Define a pointcut for annotated methods. The most example are based only on @within
or @annotation
which has the downside that the aspect is added to all methods and the check of the annotation is executed during runtime.
@Aspect @Component public class MethodAspect { /** * This ensures that the aspect is only woven into methods with the annotation. * Otherwise all methods are woven! */ @Pointcut("execution(@MethodAnnotation * * (..))") private void isAnnotated() {}; /** * (optional) Limit package scan to our project only */ @Pointcut("execution(* your.project.package..*(..))") private void isInPackage() {}; @Around("isAnnotated() && isInPackage() && @annotation(annotation)") public Object logExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, MethodAnnotation annotation) throws Throwable { return joinPoint.proceed(); } }
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