Often we write JPA Entity classes an have to ensure in a larger team that refactoring doesn’t create performance problems or logical errors in the entity model usual problems are:
- Missing fetch joins in Queries
- Which leads to slow fetch joins
- Wrong direction of Entity relations
- which leads to updates after inserts
- or even to deletes and reinserts of data
- Wrong transaction boundaries
- Which leads to multiple transactions for one logical business operation
@Component public class HibernateAsserts { private final Statistics statistics; public HibernateAsserts(EntityManager entityManager) { try (Session session = entityManager.unwrap(org.hibernate.Session.class)) { @SuppressWarnings("resource") SessionFactory factory = session.getSessionFactory(); factory.getStatistics().setStatisticsEnabled(true); statistics = factory.getStatistics(); } } public HibernateAsserts assertTrxCount(int expected) { long value = statistics.getTransactionCount(); if (value != expected) { logSummary(); fail("Expected " + expected + " TransactionCount, but found " + value); } return this; } public HibernateAsserts assertInsertCount(int expected) { long value = statistics.getEntityInsertCount(); if (value != expected) { logSummary(); fail("Expected " + expected + " EntityInsertCount, but found " + value); } return this; } public void reset() { statistics.clear(); } public void logSummary() { statistics.logSummary(); } }
In your test
@SpringBootTest class MyTestClassTest { @Autowired private SubjectUnderTest subject; @Autowired private HibernateAsserts hibernateAsserts; @Test void textMyBusinessMethod() { // GIVEN // custom data setup for the test // WHEN hibernateAsserts.reset(); // ensure the setup is not in the stats subject.runBusinessMethod(); // THEN // any business asserts hibernateAsserts .assertTrxCount(1) .assertInsertCount(1); } }